

  1. vhodnk: C82の [1] http://t.co/zvzX4UJW
  2. Photo: http://t.co/LMObW5Ev
  3. Photo: http://t.co/v669BoR0
  4. plasticdreams: London 2012 Olympics: Winning moments - The Big Picture - http://t.co/toMSbqMl http://t.co/hGhgj6XZ
  5. Photo: http://t.co/kUEHGsHZ
  6. comakarma: http://t.co/7g8Jc7pu [http://t.co/f7xMJ4ps]#illustail http://t.co/WM3Mftk9
  7. uinyan: 1342668538654.jpg (710×1200)@images.4chan.org http://t.co/MNTzYEJi
  8. vhodnk: 「霄花」/「CKYM」のイラスト [pixiv] http://t.co/FiXQswkZ
  9. uinyan: Seriously though, it’s really annoying, I’ll type something and it’ll take like 6 seconds for it to a… http://t.co/FGhQEGe6
  10. Photo: http://t.co/Jj727U9L
  11. Photo: http://t.co/TgMFMk8Z

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